Madera County
Home MenuWeights and Measures
The Weights and Measures Division is committed to protecting the economic health of the community by preserving and maintaining confidence in the accuracy of weighing and measuring instruments, product standards, and business practices used in commerce. Through this balanced commitment and timely response to citizen requests, consumers and businesses are assured the means of accurate value comparison and fair competition.
The Device Enforcement Program
Madera County weights and measures inspectors inspect and test various types of commercial weighing and measuring devices throughout the county. All such devices are under the scrutiny of weights and measures. They are tested for accuracy and inspected to determine if they are appropriate for their intended use. Once that is determined the inspector certifies the device by affixing a paper seal to it. The program provides training, support, and coordination with local officials and businesses to properly apply the specifications, tolerances and use requirements for the various commercial devices used in the marketplace. The standards used by Madera County weights and measures officials are verified periodically for accuracy by the California Department of Measurements Standards.
Weighing Devices
The County Sealer of Weights and Measures ensures that all commercially used weighing devices are tested for accuracy. In addition to being accurate, devices must adhere to specific design and installation requirements, and be used correctly. Familiar types of weighing devices inspected are: supermarket checkout scales, pharmacy scales, deli counter scales, livestock scales and large capacity truck scales.
Measuring Devices
Instruments used to determine volume, distance, dimensions, and time are measuring devices. Measuring device examples include gasoline dispensers, propane dispensers, taxicabs, wire and rope meters and retail water dispensers. Utility meters commonly used in mobile home parks are required to be tested at least every ten years. The utility meters inspected and tested are electric sub-meters, gas sub-meters and water sub-meters. The examination tests the ability of each sub-meter to accurately register at full and light loads.
Petroleum Products
The Petroleum Products program involves the inspection of service station advertising and labeling of gasoline, diesel fuel and alternative engine fuel products sold in Madera County. From time-to-time, random samples are taken to insure product compliance with national standards. Undercover purchases are made to investigate consumer complaints and to inspect the accuracy of the transactions. Undercover purchases also serve as a method for gathering samples of products used for determining compliance with standards.